make the itching stop

Scientists have often wondered why we itch. Because it’s really annoying and scientists hate having to scratch an itch when they’re doing something really important like solving the mystery of quantum entanglement.

Apparently, neuropeptide natriuretic polypeptide b, or Nppb, is the molecule that makes us feel an itch. Once it travels to the brain, we feel the urge to scratch ourselves. Are you feeling it right now? That’s cool. I am too.

They decided to breed mice without Nppb to see what happened. Guess what! They gave these mice a rash and they didn’t have to scratch it! Yay science!

They said that they didn’t want to do this in humans yet because it’s important for the heart and blood pressure or something. I don’t know. They make it sound important.

Here’s the part that I found really interesting. This work was done in the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research!

What?! Why are dentists trying to figure out my itching?! Do teeth itch? Is that a problem that dentists have to figure out?

Should I be worried about itchy teeth?! That’s freaking me out!

Maybe tooth research is done? We know everything about teeth, so dentists are bored and are looking at other stuff. I mean, what else is there? We can fix cavities, we have toothpaste, and we can even put fake teeth in!

Since these dentists were so bored, they started scratching their heads wondering what else to do and I guess they decided that scratching was interesting enough to study.

And they figured it out! We should get dentists to research everything. Clearly they know how to get results. Pearly, white results.

They also know how to get novocaine. Which is fun for parties and holidays.

I’m off to scratch my teeth.

Enjoy Everything.


the sun sets in my eyes

Do you have a sun visor in your car? I do. I’m pretty sure most cars do. You might use it early in the morning or later in the day when the sun is trying to burn your eyes with its awesomeness.

My visor is pretty good. It can go low enough to help out. It’s kinda short, though. Like, to the right. Because if the sun is next to my rearview mirror, it still cooks my brain. I’m thinking of buying some attachment to make it block a wider area.

Or maybe just duct tape some cardboard to the edge. Which would be cheaper and more fun to decorate. I have Sharpies.

As exciting as this whole conversation is (it’s really not), I DO have a point. Are you like me and feel like you can’t see anything when your visor is down?

I know it’s only blocking my vision of the sky. I can totally still see the road, so why am I so messed up by this? I think the only risk I have is maybe missing a bird flying by or a falling rock or a UFO (which I totally saw last night).

So why do I feel like I’m not seeing anything? I think it’s all psychological. Which I think means it’s all in my head. But I am wondering if there is some fact to it.

OH! I heard the other day that stolen cars go to Mexico or overseas all the time. How random is that? Like, living in South Dakota, do you know how long it would take to get to Mexico? Or even get to a boat to go to China or something?!

That’s crazy hard. I do NOT have the drive (pun intended) to become a car thief. They will work harder for one car than I’ll probably ever work in my whole life. I don’t know why they don’t just find an easier job. I guess I’m too lazy for that.

And I hate getting the sun in my eyes and that’s probably a real work hazard with car thieves.

I’m off to block out the sun.

Enjoy everything.


you too can be a heart surgeon

Ummm…is this a good idea? A company made a game where you have to perform heart surgery. Like, real heart surgery.

This isn’t Operation. The nose doesn’t light up. There is no buzz. Just blood. Lots of blood. If you mess up, Bob doesn’t make it.

Luckily, Bob isn’t an actual person.

The Surgeon Simulator is the next game you give your kids for Christmas! They plan on adding brain surgery and common dentistry, as well!

Kid One: “Hey Billy! Wanna come over and play Brain Surgeon?”

Kid Two: “Whoa! You have a brain that needs surgeoning? I am SO there!

Kid One: “Sweet tooth!

Kid Two: “Speaking of a sweet tooth, any chance we can do some common dentistry, too?”

Kid One: “Does a rib have a cage?! Of course we can you silly willy!”

Kid Two: “Surgical!”

Hopefully this will get kids interested in the medical sciences. Because, as you may or may not know, I love medical science. Since I hope one day they will be able to make me into Astro Boy.

Yeah, I know how he jets around. And I’m totally cool with it.

So bring on the science! And the internal jet packs!

I’m off to surgeon a heart.

Enjoy Everything.
