foresight activation

Hershey’s is looking to hire a Senior Manager in “Foresight Activation.” Somebody who can see what trends will be happening in the future and make sure that Hershey acts on those trends.

They should hire me. President Hershey, this is my resume.

I see people eating chocolate bars. That is the trend. I will act on that trend by eating a chocolate bar.

The end.

Hire me.

Still not convinced?! Looking for something a little more radical? Okay, Hershey, try THIS on!

Think about how you get a TV show. It’s just info over the air. The same with Wi-Fi at home. Data just going through you.

Well! How about doing the same thing with chocolate bars! I was thinking of calling it Wonkavision. Or Wo-Fi.

That might not be legal. So, how about Hershyvision! And He-Fi!

If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s my last idea.

Put stuff in chocolate bars. Not just peanuts and caramel. Do a full-on nut bar! With peanuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts! Make it BIG.

Or do a seed bar with pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds!

Put in caramel and chocolate goo and gummy bears and popcorn and waffles and honey and maple syrup! You can even do it with the Kisses. Put a gummy bear in each one!

This is what the people want!

Now hire me.

I’m off work my activision.

Enjoy Everything.


that’s a good snack

I was thinking about going to the movies. I don’t actually go very often, but I THINK about it LOTS.

Did you know that you can buy popcorn at the movies? It’s a pretty popular choice for a movie-snack. Candy is also very popular.

And, if the movie theater is awesome, pizza, nachos, and pretzels are also popular. Actually, they pretty much have anything you could ever want there. It’s really just a food court…with movies.

Do you think they’d let me make my own snack? I kinda want to try something. I’ll buy a medium popcorn, but ask if they can put it in the large bucket. THEN! I’ll buy a bunch of candy. Like gummy bears and Skittles and M&M’s and Twizzlers and put them all in the bucket and shake it around so I have a candy/popcorn Bucket Of Fun!

Wait…why are M&M’s possessive? What do they own? I always thought one candy-coated chocolate was a single M&M and that many of them were M&Ms. But NO. They are officially M&M’s!

After hours of research, I found out for you! They are named after the guys who invented them. Mars and Murrie. So, do Mars and Murrie still claim ownership to every candy-coated chocolate in every bag we buy?

They do! The bag says “M&M’s Chocolate Candies!” I’ve been wrong all these years! I call them M&Ms, but that’s not what they are! They’re just officially Chocolate Candies!

I can’t believe I never knew this. Luckily, everybody knows what I’m looking for when I say M&M’s. If they made frozen fish or glass cleaner, it might have caused some problems in my life.

Me: “I’m in the mood for M&M’s.”

You: “To clean your mirrors? Or did you want M&M’s Fish Sticks and Custard?”

Me: “Not those! The Chocolate Candies!”

You: “Oh! Well, you should be more specific since M&M’s owns multiple items.”

Me: “I really should be. But since this conversation is imaginary, it’s not really a problem.”

Correct! It is not a problem! But, it could have been if Mars and Murrie didn’t get lazy and stop at chocolate candies.

I’m off to get a bucket of fun.

Enjoy Everything.
